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We are artists united against racism and bigotry. We stand with other organizations getting out there and making a difference. We will not be silent and turn a blind eye to bigotry, and we still stand up for justice. We believe in both mass-movements and grassroot organization. We help our fellow human beings in their time of need and we are there for our communities.


We believe that a society is best judged by how it treats it weakest. We work towards a society that truly does give ALL human beings life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We hold this to be true for all races, ages, genders, occupations, religions, health levels, economic classes, and sexualities.


We believe in every person’s right to choose things that affect them until it affects someone else. We support different opinions, but do not consider a statement to be an opinion when it devalues the life of another person for innate characteristics. We consider adequate food, housing, clothing, and healthcare to be human rights regardless if the person is able to pay for it. No human beings should live on the street with open houses, starve with full supermarkets, wear worn out, ripped, dirty clothing when we have full department stores, or go without medical care with open hospitals.


We are against police brutality and modern day slavery. We recognize that we have a faulty justice system that facilitates the prison-industrial complex. We reject police states and the slippery slope towards becoming one.


We are against talking over the problems of disenfranchised groups and consider intersectionality to be an important goal in any political discussion. As such, we do not recognize “reverse-racism” as racism is not only bigotry, but a system of oppression that disenfranchises people of color. We also reject the notion of any human being’s existence in any country to be illegal except in cases of forcefully conquering another human being’s home. We do not believe that white people are any more deserving of being in America than people of any other race.


We hold our streets and protect our cities from infiltration of Nazis, the KKK, or any other White Supremacists. They are not welcome on our streets and we commit to driving them out of any place they pop up. As such, we do not recognize bigots in the White House to be legitimate leaders as they do not represent the best interests of our country. We also do not recognize any election “victory” of a person who was not elected on the vote of the people that are to be represented.


We believe in the power of art as an agent of change. We recognize how art imitates life and how life can be influenced deeply by art. We welcome all artists with open arms. So we rise up as artists, writers, musicians, poets, journalists, photographers, filmographers, editors, painters, sculptors, actors, makeup artists, stylists, directors, dancers, architects, designers, demonstrators, seamstresses, chefs, bakers, comic makers, comedians, performers, drag queens, drag kings, hairdressers, tattoo artists, interior designers, tailors, nail artists, crafters, jewelry makers, knitters, crocheters, weavers, models, and more to defend our communities, our streets, our rights, and our fellow humans. This is Art for Resistance.

  • Anti-fascism

  • Anti-racism

  • LGBTQ+ Rights

  • Feminism

  • Police Brutality

  • Reproductive Rights

  • Sexual Health

  • Environmentalism

  • Animal Welfare

  • Prisoner's rights

  • Homelessness

  • Poverty & Hunger

  • Mental and Medical Health Access

  • Education

  • Anti-Islamophobia

  • Disability rights




*Not listed in any specific order.

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